Unable to send mail in Outlook Web App using Google Chrome

This content is 14 years old. I don't routinely update old blog posts as they are only intended to represent a view at a particular point in time. Please be warned that the information here may be out of date.

For the last few days, I’ve been getting frustrated with my Office 365 Outlook Web App in Google Chrome. Microsoft has worked to ensure that the latest web apps work well in other popular  browsers but each time I replied to an email, the message would not send. The URL was displayed in the bottom of the window (as though a call to the server was being made) but then nothing – no saving to my Drafts folder either, just the ability to close the window and lose the work.

I googled the problem and found a thread that gave me the answer:  it seems there is a conflict with the Click to call with Skype extension (I was using v5.6.0.8153 in Chrome v13.0.782.22). As soon as I disabled the extension (no need to uninstall), I was able to send mail from the Outlook Web App again.

7 thoughts on “Unable to send mail in Outlook Web App using Google Chrome

  1. Obvious it may sound David, but not always easy – the whole point is that the Office 365 web apps are supported in all of the popular browsers, and that not everyone has a choice…

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