Default PIN codes and voicemail numbers for UK mobile networks

This content is 17 years old. I don't routinely update old blog posts as they are only intended to represent a view at a particular point in time. Please be warned that the information here may be out of date.

Back in 2005, I published a list of useful mobile handset commands and it’s still attracting some interest so, as I bought a new mobile phone this week and it came with a list of the default PINs for each of the UK mobile operators, I’m re-publishing that information here in case it’s useful to someone:

OperatorDefault PIN

Vodafone 0000
O2 5555
Orange 1111
T-Mobile 1210
3 0000
Virgin Mobile 1210
Talk Mobile 0000
Mobile World 1210

Also included was a list of voicemail numbers (for those who don’t have an iPhone with visual voicemail…):

OperatorVoicemail Access Number

Vodafone 121
O2 1750 [I’ve also used 901]
Orange 123
T-Mobile 222
3 123
Virgin Mobile 222
Talk Mobile 121

10 thoughts on “Default PIN codes and voicemail numbers for UK mobile networks

  1. How about a list of other numbers such as Customer Service and Balance/Top-Up numbers and *# codes?

    I should really do it myself and indeed I did compile a list of these some time ago but I have recently found that some numbers and codes, such as those for T-Mobile/Virgin appear to have changed.

    Mark, seeing as you have presented the information here so neatly, it seems a shame to start a duplicate page elsewhere just to add these few additional details.


  2. Thanks for this info. Why operators send out SIM cards set not to request a PIN when the phone starts and then don’t let us know what the *&^*&)* PIN is in order to enable it and change it is beyond me!

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