Office 365 DNS settings in a hybrid environment

This content is 9 years old. I don't routinely update old blog posts as they are only intended to represent a view at a particular point in time. Please be warned that the information here may be out of date.

The Office 365 Admin Center does a great job of helping administrators determine the DNS settings that are required to use a domain with Office 365; however it’s far from perfect. One particular case when it doesn’t help much at all is if you have hybrid components – for example Exchange Hybrid or Lync/Skype for Business Hybrid (split domain). In scenarios such as this, you might not want the entries that Office 365 suggests, for example:

  • Exchange autodiscover must be defined with CNAME records in a hybrid environment – the use of SRV records is not supported.
  • The CNAME record to repoint autodiscover.domainname.tld to is not required in an Exchange hybrid environment (it is only used for Exchange Online).
  • If mailflow is via the on-premises infrastructure (centralised routing), the SPF records for the Office 365 servers (v=spf1 -all) are not required. In addition, no new MX records are required.
  • In a Lync/Skype for Business hybrid (split domain) environment the _sipfederationtls._tcp. domainname.tld and _sip._tls.domainname.tld SRV records should point to the on-premises access proxy and not to as they would for a Skype for Business online implementation. sip, lync, lyncdiscover and lsweb entries will also remain pointing to the on-premises infrastructure.

Office 365 - disable DNS record checks for a domainUnfortunately, without these settings in place, Office 365 will continue to alert that there are issues with domains that may cause “possible service issues”. To prevent this, navigate to the domains section of the Office 365 Admin Center and click fix issues next to one of the domains that is reporting problems. Then, on the right-hand side of the page, click the checkbox next to “Don’t check this domain for incorrect DNS records”. Once this is set, Office 365 should stop alerting for domain issues.

Also, be aware that DNS tests at the Microsoft remote connectivity analyzer and also some of the Office 365 Health, Readiness and Connectivity checks, may appear to fail in a hybrid environment.

Overview of Azure AD synchronisation

This content is 9 years old. I don't routinely update old blog posts as they are only intended to represent a view at a particular point in time. Please be warned that the information here may be out of date.

Over the last few months, I’ve had the opportunity to work with a number of directories that are synchronised from on-premises Active Directory (AD) to Azure AD (AAD) – the directory service behind Office 365, Azure, Dynamics, Intune and other business-focused Microsoft online services.

I’ve learned a few things along the way (like that AAD synchronisation servers are disposable and shouldn’t be re-configured to sync with a different directory, as well as some steps for troubleshooting missing objects) but I thought I’d group a few more points together in this post.

DirSync -> AAD Sync -> AAD Connect

There have been various versions of what’s essentially the same tool (a customised implementation of Microsoft Identity Manager, previously known as Forefront Identity Manager and Microsoft Identity Integration Server – indeed the Synchronisation Manager is still named miisclient.exe) and Paul Wooldridge does a great job of summarising the current situation in his blog post for risual.

These days, there are very few reasons not to be using the latest version – Azure AD Connect – which massively simplifies the process of configuring the underlying Azure AD Synchronisation Services as well as including a number of optional preview features for new functionality. The one caveat is that it needs Windows Server 2012 or later.

Hardware, software and service accounts

Whilst there’s no reason a physical machine couldn’t be used, all of the Azure AD synchronisation servers I’ve worked on have been virtual.  The machine will require the following specification:

  • Windows Server 2008 or later (standalone or domain joined).
  • Microsoft .Net framework version 4.5.1.
  • PowerShell (v3 or later).
  • Local administrator privileges to install the software.
  • Unauthenticated Internet access (over port 443) to the Office 365 servers.
  • A regular user account to connect to AD and read the attributes for objects to be synchronised. This must be able to log on as a service and it will also need to be granted the following permissions in order to write back password hashes (for same sign on):
    • Replicating Directory Changes.
    • Replicating Directory Changes All.

Older versions of the tool allowed the administrator to define an account in the cloud whereas AAD Connect asks for credentials and creates its own service account (with a display name of On-Premises Directory Synchronization Service Account and an user name of Also, unlike previous versions the account is set with a password that will not expire (the PasswordNeverExpires and PasswordResetNotRequiredDuringActivate attributes are both set to $true).

Tools and commands

Azure AD Connect is based on the Azure AD Synchronization Services framework which itself is evolved from Microsoft Identity Manager (formerly Forefront Identity Manager, Microsoft Identity Lifecycle Manager, Microsoft Identity Integration Server, Microsoft Metadirectory Server and Zoomit Via before that!). Not surprisingly, the underlying tools are the same ones used for these products!

  • The main tool is the Synchronization Service Manager (miisclient.exe), which is used to monitor synchronisation as well as to adjust the scope of synchronisation (more on that in a moment)
  • There’s also a Rules Editor (which I leave alone – indeed, directly editing the rules is not supported for AAD Connect)
  • A scheduled task is also created that runs the synchronisation process every 3 hours by default (you may want to reduce the timeout on this to avoid issues with long-running syncs too).
  • It’s possible to force a synchronisation from the command line. This can also be done from the Synchronization Service Manager or from Task Scheduler but the command line is easy! Simply run directorysyncclientcmd.exe delta (from an PowerShell session running as Administrator) or directorysyncclientcmd.exe initial to force a full synchronisation.

As for Powershell cmdlets, the documentation on the ADSync PowerShell module is pretty poor. I managed to extract a list of commands and their syntax but there’s no meaningful help text (at least not that I’ve found). I’ve also seen that the DirSync information on the synced attributes is better than the AAD Sync information (which warns it will be archived soon) and I haven’t found the equivalent AAD Connect information!

What gets synchronised?

For many organisations, not all of the directory needs to be synchronised. It’s possible to filter synchronisation by domain, organizational unit (OU), group membership, or directory attribute. Of these, group membership is generally only used in test (it quickly becomes tiresome to add users to a group to ensure that they are synced to the cloud) and OU filtering is the most common form I’ve seen. It’s also worth noting that the group membership option is new with Azure AD Connect and previous versions of the tool didn’t allow this.

Also note that, if the scope of synchronisation is changed, a full synchronisation is required as a delta will not pick up the new filtering arrangements.

Further reading

PowerShell cmdlets in the Azure ADSync module

This content is 9 years old. I don't routinely update old blog posts as they are only intended to represent a view at a particular point in time. Please be warned that the information here may be out of date.

MVP, Mike Crowley wrote a blog post last year that details the cmdlets for managing Azure AD Directory Synchronisation (DirSync). Unfortunately, the latest incarnation of DirSync (Azure AD Connect) uses a totally different set of commands (and they seem to me to be more complex to use – thank goodness the GUI is so good now).

I used Mike’s method to extract the details of the PowerShell cmdlets in the Azure ADSync module:

Import-Module ADSync
Get-Command -Module ADSync | Get-Help | Select name, synopsis | Export-Csv $env:userprofile\Desktop\DirSyncCmdlets.csv -NoTypeInformation

Unfortunately the help information is very sparse so the synopsis is missing.  Aaron Peterson has some extra information on the ADSync cmdlets but it seems we’ve gone backwards in terms of help…

My final attempt was Get-Command -Module ADSync | Select definition | Export-Csv $env:userprofile\Desktop\DirSyncCmdlets.csv -NoTypeInformation which allowed me to at least pull out the syntax for each cmdlet:

Add-ADSyncAADServiceAccount [-AADCredential]  [[-Name] ] []
Add-ADSyncAttributeFlowMapping [-SynchronizationRule]  [-AttributeFlowMappings] <List[AttributeFlowMapping]> [-Direction ] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] []
Add-ADSyncAttributeFlowMapping [[-Source] <List[string]>] [-Destination]  [-FlowType]  [[-ValueMergeType] ] [-SynchronizationRule ] [-Expression ] [-ExecuteOnce] [-Direction ] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] []
Add-ADSyncConnector [[-Connector] ] []
Add-ADSyncConnector [-Name]  [-Type]  [-Description ] [-ConnectivityParameterSettings ] [-GlobalParameterSettings ] [-HierarchyProvisioningMappings <Dictionary[string,string]>] [-Partitions <List[ConnectorPartition]>] [-PasswordManagementSettings ] []
Add-ADSyncConnectorAnchorConstructionSettings [-Connector]  [-ObjectClass]  [-Locked]  [-Attributes] <List[string]> []
Add-ADSyncConnectorAttributeInclusion [-Connector]  [-AttributeTypes] <List[string]> []
Add-ADSyncConnectorHierarchyProvisioningMapping [-Connector ] [-Mappings <Dictionary[string,string]>] []
Add-ADSyncConnectorHierarchyProvisioningMapping [-Connector]  [[-DNComponent] ] [[-ObjectClass] ] []
Add-ADSyncConnectorObjectInclusion [-Connector]  [-ObjectTypes] <List[string]> []
Add-ADSyncGlobalSettingsParameter [-GlobalSettings]  [-ParameterValuesTable]  []
Add-ADSyncGlobalSettingsParameter [-GlobalSettings]  [-Parameters] <List[ConfigurationParameter]> []
Add-ADSyncJoinConditionGroup [-SynchronizationRule]  [-JoinConditions] <List[JoinCondition]> [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] []
Add-ADSyncRule [-SynchronizationRule]  [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] []
Add-ADSyncRule -Name  -Connector  -Direction  -SourceObjectType  -TargetObjectType  [-Precedence ] [-PrecedenceAfter ] [-PrecedenceBefore ] [-Description ] [-Identifier ] [-ImmutableTag ] [-ScopeFilter <List[ScopeConditionGroup]>] [-JoinFilter <List[JoinConditionGroup]>] [-LinkType ] [-EnablePasswordSync] [-AttributeFlowMappings <List[AttributeFlowMapping]>] [-SoftDeleteExpiryInterval ] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] []
Add-ADSyncRunProfile [-RunProfile]  []
Add-ADSyncRunProfile [-Name]  [-ConnectorIdentifier]  [-RunSteps <List[RunStep]>] []
Add-ADSyncRunProfile [-Name ] [-ConnectorIdentifier ] [-RunStepPartitionIdentifier ] [-RunStepTask ] [-RunStepObjectProcessLimit ] [-RunStepObjectDeleteLimit ] [-RunStepBatchSize ] [-RunStepLogType ] [-RunStepLogFile ] []
Add-ADSyncRunStep [-RunProfile]  [-PartitionIdentifier]  [-StepTask]  [-BatchSize ] [-ConnectorType ] [-Index ] [-LogType ] [-LogFile ] [-ObjectProcessLimit ] [-ObjectDeleteLimit ] [-PageSize ] [-Timeout ] []
Add-ADSyncScopeConditionGroup [-SynchronizationRule]  [-ScopeConditions] <List[ScopeCondition]> [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] []
Disable-ADSyncConnectorPartition [-Partitions] <List[ConnectorPartition]> [-Connector ] []
Disable-ADSyncConnectorPartition [-Connector]  [-Partition]  []
Disable-ADSyncConnectorPartitionHierarchy [-Connector]  [-Partition]  [-PartitionHierarchyNode]  []
Disable-ADSyncExportDeletionThreshold [-AADCredential]  [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] []
Enable-ADSyncConnectorPartition [-Partitions] <List[ConnectorPartition]> [-Connector ] []
Enable-ADSyncConnectorPartition [-Connector]  [-Partition]  []
Enable-ADSyncConnectorPartitionHierarchy [-Connector]  [-Partition]  [-PartitionHierarchyNode]  []
Enable-ADSyncExportDeletionThreshold [-AADCredential]  [-DeletionThreshold]  [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] []
Get-ADSyncAADPasswordResetConfiguration [-Connector]  []
Get-ADSyncAADPasswordSyncConfiguration [-SourceConnector]  []
Get-ADSyncConnector [-Identifier ] [-Name ] []
Get-ADSyncConnectorHierarchyProvisioningDNComponent [-Connector]  [[-ObjectType] ] [-ShowHidden] []
Get-ADSyncConnectorHierarchyProvisioningMapping [-Connector]  []
Get-ADSyncConnectorHierarchyProvisioningObjectClass [-DNComponent]  []
Get-ADSyncConnectorParameter -Type  [-Identifier ] [-Connector ] [-ScopeIdentifier ] []
Get-ADSyncConnectorPartition [-Connector]  [-Identifier ] [-Name ] []
Get-ADSyncConnectorPartitionHierarchy [-Connector]  [-Partition]  [-ParentPartitionHierarchyNode ] []
Get-ADSyncConnectorTypes []
Get-ADSyncGlobalSettings [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] []
Get-ADSyncGlobalSettingsParameter []
Get-ADSyncRule [[-Identifier] ] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] []
Get-ADSyncRunProfile [-Connector]  []
Get-ADSyncRunProfile [-Identifier]  []
Get-ADSyncSchema [-Connector ] [-Identifier ] []
Get-ADSyncServerConfiguration [-Path]  []
New-ADSyncConnector [-Name]  [-Type]  [-Description ] [-ExtensionFileName ] []
New-ADSyncJoinCondition [-CSAttribute]  [-MVAttribute]  [[-CaseSensitive] ] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] []
New-ADSyncRule [-Name]  [-Direction]  [-Connector]  [-SourceObjectType]  [-TargetObjectType]  [-LinkType]  [-Precedence ] [-EnablePasswordSync] [-PrecedenceAfter ] [-PrecedenceBefore ] [-Description ] [-ImmutableTag ] [-Identifier ] [-SoftDeleteExpiryInterval ] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] []
New-ADSyncRunProfile [-Connector]  [-Name]  []
New-ADSyncScopeCondition [-Attribute]  [-ComparisonValue]  [-ComparisonOperator]  [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] []
Remove-ADSyncAADPasswordResetConfiguration [-Connector]  [[-AADCredential] ] []
Remove-ADSyncAADPasswordSyncConfiguration [-SourceConnector]  []
Remove-ADSyncAADServiceAccount [-AADCredential]  [-Name]  [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] []
Remove-ADSyncAttributeFlowMapping [-SynchronizationRule]  [-AttributeFlowMappings] <List[AttributeFlowMapping]> [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] []
Remove-ADSyncConnector [[-Connector] ] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] []
Remove-ADSyncConnector [[-Identifier] ] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] []
Remove-ADSyncConnector [[-Name] ] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] []
Remove-ADSyncConnectorAnchorConstructionSettings [-Connector]  [-ObjectClass]  []
Remove-ADSyncConnectorAttributeInclusion [-Connector]  [-AttributeTypes] <List[string]> []
Remove-ADSyncConnectorHierarchyProvisioningMapping [-Connector]  [-DNComponent ] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] []
Remove-ADSyncConnectorHierarchyProvisioningMapping [-DNComponent]  [-Connector ] [-DNComponents <List[string]>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [
Remove-ADSyncConnectorObjectInclusion [-Connector]  [-ObjectTypes] <List[string]> []
Remove-ADSyncGlobalSettingsParameter [-GlobalSettings]  [-ParameterNames] <List[string]> []
Remove-ADSyncJoinConditionGroup [-SynchronizationRule]  [-Index]  [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] []
Remove-ADSyncRule [-SynchronizationRule]  [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] []
Remove-ADSyncRule [-Identifier]  [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] []
Remove-ADSyncRunProfile [-RunProfile]  [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] []
Remove-ADSyncRunStep [-RunProfile]  [-RunStep]  [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [
Remove-ADSyncScopeConditionGroup [-SynchronizationRule]  [-Index]  [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] []
Search-ADSyncDirectoryObjects [[-ForestFqdn] ] [-AdConnectorId]  [[-PropertiesToRetrieve] <string[]>] [[-NamingContextType] ] [[-BaseDnType] ] [[-AdConnectorCredential] ] [[-BaseDn] ] [[-LdapFilter] ] [[-SearchScope] ] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] []
Set-ADSyncAADCompanyFeature [-ConnectorName]  [-ForcePasswordResetOnLogonFeature ] [-PasswordHashSyncFeature ] []
Set-ADSyncAADPasswordResetConfiguration [-Connector]  [-Enable]  [[-AADCredential] ] []
Set-ADSyncAADPasswordSyncConfiguration [-SourceConnector]  [-TargetConnector]  [-Enable]  [[-PasswordAgentCredentials] ] []
Set-ADSyncAADPasswordSyncState [-ConnectorName]  [-Enable]  []
Set-ADSyncConnectorParameter -Type  [-Connector ] [-PartitionIdentifier ] [-RunProfileIdentifier ] [-RunStepIdentifier ] [-ParameterValues ] []
Set-ADSyncGlobalSettings [-GlobalSettings]  [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] []
Set-ADSyncSchema [-Schema]  []
Set-ADSyncSchema [-SchemaFile]  []
Set-ADSyncServerConfiguration [-Path]  []
Set-MIISADMAConfiguration [-Id]  -Credentials  -Forest  [-Container ] [-AllowUnreachableDomains] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] []
Test-AdSyncUserHasPermissions [-ForestFqdn]  [-AdConnectorId]  [-AdConnectorCredential]  [-BaseDn]  [-PropertyType]  [-PropertyValue]  [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] []
Update-ADSyncConnectorPartition [-Connector]  []
Update-ADSyncConnectorSchema [-Connector]  [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] []
Update-ADSyncDRSCertificates [-DeviceWriteBackConnectorName]  [-AadConnectorName]  [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] []

Problems setting storage quotas in OneDrive for Business? Check that site collection storage management is set to manual!

This content is 9 years old. I don't routinely update old blog posts as they are only intended to represent a view at a particular point in time. Please be warned that the information here may be out of date.

A few weeks ago, I wrote a blog post about controlling OneDrive for Business syncing to prevent data copies on non-domain-joined PCs. Since then, I’ve had to add a post script to highlight a known issue with domain joined PCs failing to sync OneDrive for Business, even when added to a safe list, which is fixed by the 12 May 2015 update for OneDrive for Business (see Microsoft knowledge base article 2986244).

I also wrote in that post about problems setting storage quotas in OneDrive for Business using Set-SPOSite -Identity -StorageQuota 2048

Set-SPOSite : Cannot get site
At line:1 char:1
+ Set-SPOSite -Identity …
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Set-SPOSite], ServerException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ServerException,Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell.SetSite

After raising a service request with Microsoft (which took over a week to be escalated after a few days of the initial team failing to resolve it) and then engaging the Microsoft Onboarding Center instead, I finally got to the bottom of the issue. The problem was that Site Collection Storage Management in SharePoint Online was set to Automatic. Once this was changed to Manual, I could successfully apply the quotas to users’ OneDrive for Business sites.

Office 365 (SharePoint Online) Site Collection Storage Management settings

As well as using PowerShell (Get-SPOSite -Identity, you can check the current storage quota in the browser, under Site settings, Storage Metrics:

One Drive for Business storage quota reduced to 2GB

Unfortunately this setting has to be applied on a per-user basis, after the user has already logged on to OneDrive for Business (which provisions the storage).

Adding Microsoft Azure services to an existing Office 365 tenant

This content is 9 years old. I don't routinely update old blog posts as they are only intended to represent a view at a particular point in time. Please be warned that the information here may be out of date.

If you have an Office 365 subscription, you use Microsoft Azure because Azure Active Directory is the underlying directory service – regardless of your chosen identity model (even if you use federated identity, you’ll sync your users to the cloud).

Within the Office 365 admin center, is an Azure AD link although, if you click on it you may find you need to sign up for an Azure subscription. Don’t worry about this – it’s just provisioning access to the management portal – and once you have access, you’ll find your Azure Active Directory and can configure settings like logon page branding, self-service password reset, multi-factor authentication, etc.

When I clicked though, I was confused to see that all I had was Active Directory and Settings – no virtual machines, SQL, networks, or anything other Azure services.

Azure - AD created by Office 365

So how do you go about adding Microsoft Azure services to an existing Office 365 tenant? I asked my colleague Tim Siddle (@brainchyldeuk) who told me the simplest way is to sign up for a free one-month Azure trial.

Even if that’s not available (in my case Azure said I already have a subscription), it will let you either sign up for a different offer (on a pay-as-you-go basis) or view existing subscriptions.

Azure - Free Trial is Not Available

After running through the PAYG subscription sign-up process, where I verified my phone number, supplied credit card details and agreed to the terms and conditions, my Azure management portal was looking much more complete and, as can be seen from the screen shot below, I now have two distinct subscriptions on the same account – one for my Access to Azure Active Directory (part of my Office 365 subscription) and one for Pay-As-You-Go access to other Azure services.

Azure - Management Portal showing multiple subscriptions

Finally, if you’re worried about what all this might cost, there’s an Azure pricing calculator.

Microsoft Office 365 Home: Office on up to 5 PCs/Macs, 5 tablets and 5 phones – legally – without breaking the bank

This content is 9 years old. I don't routinely update old blog posts as they are only intended to represent a view at a particular point in time. Please be warned that the information here may be out of date.

I’ve mentioned previously that I’m planning on writing a series of Windows 10 blog posts over the coming months, but what about the apps I use every day?

Most people buy PCs with Windows 8, upgrade to 8.1 and then 10 for “free” but then find they need some Office productivity tools.  For a long while, my family was using Office from a number of sources:

  • Office 2010 on my wife’s work PC, purchased outright from the Microsoft store back when I had MVP benefits.
  • Office 2013 on my work PC, provided by my employer.
  • Office 2013 on the Family PC, purchased under the Home Use Program (HUP) with my previous employer’s Enterprise Agreement (EA).

Recently, a new PC for my wife meant that I decided not to reinstall Office 2010 (which is just about to drop out of mainstream support). The family PC also got a rebuild after a hard disk failure and my change of employer a few months ago means I’m no longer covered by an EA to use the HUP copy.  My children increasingly use Office applications (including the lesser-known ones like Publisher) and we really needed to sort something out.

Office 365 Home - transcript with MicrosoftI use Office 365 at work and I expect I could have asked to use that on a home PC (it covers me for up to 5 devices) but then I found Microsoft Office 365 Home. For under £80 a year (or just under £8 a month), I can get a legal copy of Office on all of my family’s PCs, my Mac, and our other devices (up to 5 PCs/Macs, 5 tablets, and 5 phones).  Those who do have HUP rights may still be better off, depending on the number of PCs they use and the number of copies of Office they need to buy at £9.95 each, although, with the launch of Office 2016 next week, my PCs will get updated to the latest copy – without me having to go out and purchase upgrades.  And, should I remove Office from a PC (like the demo PC I have on loan at the moment), then the license goes back into the pool for me to deploy again elsewhere (I wasn’t sure if that would be the case, so I checked with Microsoft).

It’s a really good deal (cheaper than upgrading my Office 365 E1 plan to an E3 – although that would give me some extra benefits too) but it’s not just Office either. We each get 60 free Skype minutes a month (could come in handy for calling our friends who recently moved to Australia!) and our OneDrives (I’ve recently given the kids OneDrives too so their files are backed up to the cloud if something happens to the family computer again…) are now each upgraded to 1TB of cloud storage.

Strangely, although it’s branded Office 365, everything is linked to Microsoft accounts (not work or school accounts – previously known as organisational accounts), but I guess that’s because it’s a consumer product. I can view all of my details, including which devices have Office installed, in my account settings, as well as sharing the subscription with other family members for them to install on their devices.

Office 365 Home - Managing installed copies

I’m not sure how heavily promoted Office 365 Home is, but it’s certainly worth considering if you have multiple PCs that need Office in your home.

Refresh or reset a Windows 10 PC

This content is 9 years old. I don't routinely update old blog posts as they are only intended to represent a view at a particular point in time. Please be warned that the information here may be out of date.

Having a demo PC on loan from Microsoft at the moment, means that, from time to time, I want to undo some of the changes I’ve made and restore default settings. This is where the ability to refresh or reset a Windows 10 PC comes in.

PC Refresh and Reset have been Windows features since Windows 8, but it’s the first time I’ve used them.  The intention is that a refresh reinstalls Windows whilst retaining data, applications and settings. A reset restores the PC to the out of the box settings.

Unfortunately, attempting a reset from my Windows 10 installation media didn’t help much, resulting in a “There was a problem while resetting your PC” message.

The resolution was to instigate the reset from within Windows (Settings., Update and Security, Recovery, Reset this PC), rather than from “Repair my computer” in Windows Setup.

Windows 10 - Update and Security - Recovery

The PC will reboot and a progress screen (similar to at Windows startup) will show “Resetting this PC” and the percentage complete. Then , the next phase is “Installing Windows”. After this, select regional settings, accept the legal agreement, customise settings and wait for setup to complete (including critical updates).

Within half an hour or so, I’d reset the PC to its initial state and was able to start work again, knowing that my previous “fiddling” and application installations would no longer interfere with my work.

Short takes: checking your IP in Google; writing to a text file in PowerShell; and confirming which IE security zone a website uses in Internet Explorer

This content is 9 years old. I don't routinely update old blog posts as they are only intended to represent a view at a particular point in time. Please be warned that the information here may be out of date.

Another eclectic mix of snippets merged into a single blog post…

What’s my IP address?

Ever want to check the IP address of the connection you’re using? There are lots of websites out there that will tell you, or you can just type what is my IP into Google (other search engines are available… but they won’t directly return this information).

Writing output to a text file in PowerShell

Sometimes, when working in PowerShell, it’s useful to pipe the output to a file, for example to send to someone else for analysis. For this, the Out-File cmdlet comes in useful (| Out-File filename.txt) , as described on StackOverflow.

Internet Explorer status bar no longer shows security zone for a site

Last week, I was trying to work out which security zone a site was in last week (because I wanted to see if it was in the Intranet zone, whilst tracking down some spurious authentication prompts) but recent versions of Internet Explorer don’t show this information in the status bar. The workaround is to right click any black space in the website and select Properties. Alternatively, use Alt + F + R.

Check the security zone in Internet Explorer

Can’t add a domain to Office 365 because it’s already in use

This content is 9 years old. I don't routinely update old blog posts as they are only intended to represent a view at a particular point in time. Please be warned that the information here may be out of date.

Adding a domain name to Office 365 is usually pretty straightforward. That is unless it’s already been used for another tenant that you don’t have access to – perhaps a trial that’s expired? Or someone signed up for some Microsoft Online services using their work email address but doesn’t have administration rights?

Sorry, you can't add domainname.tld here because it's already in use

I came across exactly this scenario with a customer last week – although luckily we managed to extract ourselves from the situation. Actually, there’s some pretty good documentation from Microsoft on the topic: “How to manage a domain already in use by people in your organization who signed up with their work or school email address“.

What we did was to:

  • Sign up for a Power BI trial (we couldn’t sign up for Office Online at work as it said it wasn’t available in our region, and Office 365 for education was not an option for us either) using an email address at the domain name we wanted to reclaim.
  • Once the new trial was in place, logon to the portal and click the Admin tile in the App Launcher, which starts a wizard to become the administrator for the associated Office 365 tenant.
  • Create a DNS entry to prove ownership of the domain.
  • Change any account using the domain name that is to be reclaimed over to their address for logon.
  • Log off/on.
  • Remove the domain from the tenant (and then leave it to expire in time…).
  • Add the domain to the tenant where it should be used.


Pick the primary domain when activating Yammer on an Office 365 tenant

This content is 9 years old. I don't routinely update old blog posts as they are only intended to represent a view at a particular point in time. Please be warned that the information here may be out of date.

One of the challenges with working with Office 365 for a living is that it now offers a pretty broad range of services. I work in a unified communications and messaging team (think Skype for Business and Exchange) but I also need to know about:

  • Windows identity topics including Active Directory (AD), Azure Active Directory (AAD), Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS).
  • Windows server roles/features like Web Application Proxy as well as the obvious infrastructure services candidates (DNS, etc.).
  • SharePoint – if not to set up site collections etc. then at least to manage OneDrive for Business.
  • Office – integration of office apps – desktop and mobile.
  • Yammer

(…and the list goes on)

Yammer can be challenging, partly because it’s still fairly loosely-coupled to Office 365, but also because it keeps changing (as do all of the Office 365 services, I guess).  Last week I was working with a customer who had several domain names on their Office 365 tenant and who wanted to bring them together in Yammer.  Unfortunately I’d already activated Yammer Enterprise on their Office 365 tenant, using the domain name for one of their subsidiary companies and you only get one shot at the initial activation.

After raising a service request, we were directed to a Microsoft Office support page on consolidating multiple Yammer networks… but any subsequent moves will result in data loss – which is why it’s important to pick the primary network when activating Yammer (you can export the data, but often the Yammer networks are unmanaged, informal networks created by employees outside the control of the IT department). I’m hopeful that Microsoft will be able to switch the primary network for us before merging the networks.