As you are reading this blog, you can see that I own the domain. I also own (even though the address details are out of date) but evidently someone out there thinks that they do and it’s getting kind of frustrating because I’m getting e-mails from people trying to get in touch with someone who is obviously giving out their address using my domain name!
So far I’ve had a quote for web design services (or is that a hint?!) and information about some conference (initially a declined credit card and then details for joining the event).
Because I try to be a good ‘net citizen, I advise people that they are using the wrong e-mail address (and most will update their records, or pick up the phone and call the guy – I can’t because I don’t have his details) but this is getting annoying now… could this be a bizarre method of generating spam in my mailbox?
If you think your e-mail address ends with, then I’m sorry but it doesn’t! Likewise if you’ve paid someone for that domain name, you’ve been a victim of fraud…
Hi Mark,
with the state of information and knowledge about ourselves all over the net these days unscrupulous souls can build up a profile of us and execute identity fraud – if these annoying communications persist it’s worth sending a short email to the boys-in-blue to let them know…